Cheryl Strawbridge

Bespoke approach to best support your life.
“Thanks for being there for me Cheryl. I found you when I was rock bottom and you steered me back to a life I now love showing up fully for.”

Weaving together all that she has studied and experienced over the many years of client work, Cheryl now effectively combines traditional coaching modalities, with other more holistic approaches to create
transformative results for her clients.

Cheryl’s sessions are not a one size fits all offering. The sessions are individually designed, based on your unique circumstances. The sessions are holistic in nature and may involve working on many levels: physical, emotional, mental and energetic.

The modalities used during the sessions will be those that you and Cheryl feel to be the best fit.

Start with a discovery session, from there, Cheryl will discuss the best ongoing approach. Or she may suggest other professionals who may be a better fit.

The ongoing sessions range from one hour to a full day and can be offered via zoom or in person.  

The specialist areas discussed below are areas Cheryl has had extensive experience working with.

However, Cheryl is experienced in many other areas so please reach out  whatever your situation.

Schedule a free discovery session with Cheryl now

Specialist Areas

A life worth celebrating 

Are you at a point in your life where you feel you’re completely out of options?

Do you feel blocked and don’t know where to start?Are you on a path that might not be right for you?

Are you beginning a new relationship or long for deeper connection inside an existing one? Are you tired of loop thinking?

Have you talked to friends and family, read all the books, listened to the podcasts and tried to work it out for yourself, but nothing’s helped? 

Cheryl would love to spend time with you to fully understand your current life experiences and what an enticing future might look like for you. Together you will journey to your desired outcome using whatever therapeutic modality works best for you.

Book a session with Cheryl to create the roadmap you need for the life you want.

“Cheryl helped me see that no matter how desperate things become, there are always options.”
Schedule a free discovery session with Cheryl now

Empty Nester - your time to shine

Has so much of your life been about tending to the needs of your family? 
Have your babies grown into independent adults but you feel a sense of anticipation, fear or dread about stepping into an unknown future?

Do you have many questions and no answers? 

What is the next step for you? 

What more can you offer the world? 

Do you want to start a new career or end an old one? 

Are you beginning a new relationship or want a deeper connection inside an existing one? 

There’s no doubt that you’ve learned a lot over the years: it’s impossible not to. You’ve raised a family, managed a household, juggled work and personal relationships for longer than you can remember. It’s given you wisdom, resilience and skills you didn’t know you had. But where to next?

The world may be your oyster, but the options ahead can be confusing and you could be missing direction or purpose.Don’t let all that wisdom go to waste. How would it feel to talk to someone who will listen deeply, connect with your dilemma and lighten your load?

Would it help to work creatively with some exciting modalities and practises that will help you gain insight and feel inspired as you navigate the road ahead?

Or perhaps you’d like to look with different lenses at new possibilities, maybe even try them for size?

Let’s sit down and embark on an adventure. Book a session with Cheryl and map out a future with a new focus.

Cheryl will help you find clarity and remove the obstacles to the wholehearted life you deserve. 

“Cheryl transformed a confusing time for me into a rich, fulfilling and exciting time”
Schedule a free discovery session with Cheryl now

A Thriving Family

Do you look at your kids and see their genius, their possibilities, but it breaks your heart to see them struggling or not belonging? 

Despite your best efforts, do you struggle to support or help your child?

Do you and your partner parent differently?

Is it causing stress in your relationship or in your family?

When we are too close to a problem it’s difficult to see the wood for the trees. And when it comes to helping the people we love the most the answers can seem stubbornly out of reach. Sometimes all it takes is a little outside help to regain perspective.But choosing who might be best to work with your child or young adult is a huge step.

Perhaps you have tried the more traditional choices -  psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors - and your child has struggled to express themselves, to open up. Something is telling you that you need another approach.

How do you know who to trust?

Cheryl’s ability to weave together science-based practices with other less traditional approaches will help you - parents, caregivers, children, young adults together or individually - get beyond the surface to the heart of the presenting challenge. You may want to simply talk through the various options for support with someone who has a background in healthcare as well as complementary options. Someone who is able to offer steps for referral if needed.

Cheryl will help you rebuild connection, communication and love in your family’s life. “I waited till things were at rock bottom then I worked with Cheryl. I wish I hadn’t waited so long. She made it all so easy

“Cheryl is highly intuitive, skilled and supportive. She offered us guidance, perspective and solutions in a kind and humble manner.  Knowing I had an expert on board who had our child’s best interests at heart was so liberating.”
Schedule a free discovery session with Cheryl now

Kind words from others

“Cheryl has been blessed with a unique ability to see the gifts that lie within individuals and to understand what lies beneath the layers of suffering and the I am not enough-ness. Thanks for helping me return to true myself”
“Thanks for being there for me Cheryl. I found you when I was rock bottom and you steered me back to a life I now love showing up fully for.”
“Cheryl is transformed my life by helping me realise that I had everything I thought I lacked, deep inside of me, she helped me access it so I could begin to live my life wholeheartedly”
“Cheryl is highly intuitive, skilled and supportive. She offered us guidance, perspective and solutions in a kind and humble manner.  Knowing I had an expert on board who had our child’s best interests at heart was so liberating.”